To Everything, There is a Season - Hey, Summer!

We finally got some beautiful days this week after the rains. Everybody in the garden loved it and is responding to the fabulous sun on their leaves. The soil went from soggy to perfect and more outside bed prep commenced. Pumpkins, summer squash, arugula, radishes and more basil went in. Cucumbers, lettuce and green beans are next.

The field beside the high tunnel has officially been opened. I wasn’t sure I wanted to expand there this year, but the pumpkins, squash, lettuces, zinnias and cabbages said, “That’s where we want to be. Put us in, Coach!”, and so half of it was opened. Now that I see it, I want the other half plowed and prepped for even more goodies to go in. The farm stand customers (and my Dad) can watch them grow through the Fall and into early Winter.

The high tunnel is overflowing with gorgeous tomato plants (slicers, cherries, pears and romas), 4 kinds of peppers, 2 kinds of eggplants, 2 kinds of miniature melons, purple basil and the regal kale plants that have been feeding many homes for the past 4+ months. I’m thrilled with this high tunnel so far. Next, I have to decide when I need to put the shade cloth on so the plants (and me) don’t fry but still have the sun they need to thrive.

The farm stand, in my opinion, is wildly successful. I’m excited to see what the garden will offer next. The latest is the first round of cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower. Sauerkraut making is on my agenda for next week. Harmony Bakery is opening again on July 3rd. You can get my salad greens and, soon, my sauerkraut, on their take out menu. Thank you for supporting local small businesses and farms!