High Tunnel Transformation!

Thank you to all who have been making pre-orders to and stopping by Sister Moon Garden’s Friday Farm Stand. Yesterday was the best day yet! It has been exciting to see the response and the desire for local produce. I’m doing my darndest to keep up with the demand and the season will just get better. Many new veggies are in the ground or on the way: green beans, corn, summer squash, cucumbers, scallions, cabbages, more lettuce, more kale, more arugula, more bok choy, more cilantro, tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, eggplant, melons, cauliflower…

See, it’s only going to get better!

This week will be a small lull as the greens production moves entirely outdoors and the high tunnel becomes the home for the more sun-loving crops. The current continuous rains have made it impossible to work the soil outside so there is a bit of a delay to get in the new crops like cukes, squash and beans. But the second I have some clear days, they are going in!

I’m thrilled with the new high tunnel and the season extension it has offered me this year. I would not have been able to bring you the beautiful greens I have this early in the year without it.

And now, I’m moving the high tunnel into the crops that will love having the extra heat as the season changes. As the lettuce, spinach and kale complete, I’m planting tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, basil, tomatillos and melons. I can’t wait to share them with you!