Me, the East Field and Mt. Hood, the supervisor.
My name is Lisa Fuller and I'm passionate about good food, fertile soil to grow it in, healthy bodies and minds, and sharing what I know about these things. I now have an opportunity to focus all that passion and knowledge into a new market garden in my home town, on my parent's land. This is the fulfillment of a dream.
I was a hospice RN for 17 years and then was introduced to and apprenticed in organic food growing beginning in 2006 in southern Oregon with Sun Hadley. We then moved to Kauai, HI in 2008 where I started growing full time until I left in 2015. After starting 3 farms from scratch in that time frame, I know what it takes to pull this off. A daunting task. When I left Kauai and my last garden, One Song Farm, I came away with amazing experiences and a strong knowledge base, but literally no financial resources. I lost my source of income with that move but I don't regret it. This homecoming has been profound and positive and now I get to give back to the community that has loved and cared for me in this transition. Its now time to unite my nursing background and love of facilitating well-being in the people with my love of nurturing food plants and working intimately with nature in one beautiful place called "Sister Moon Gardens".
Once the farm is up and running, it will be a source of local employment, high vitality food for the local people, a center for education in the areas of organic gardening, food preservation, cooking for special diets and more, as well as a peaceful place to experience a connection with our food again and work together with nature.
I have some very special people to thank for their inspiration and support of this garden. First, Linda Lawrence of Harmony Baking Company in Estacada, OR is the catalyst for this coming into being. After one conversation of possibility with her about a different subject, I became the farmer for her restaurant. I hadn't come in that day with that on my mind but I left with a new focus, a purpose and an excitement that surprised me. I guess I was ready to farm again. Then I approached my folks, Ken and Pat Fuller, about using some of their land that had just been cleared of nursery stock. They said "Yes". Then I noticed a larger portion of their land was being cleared of Christmas trees by Dan Rickel, a good friend and neighbor that had been using the land. I asked if I might be able to plan on using some of that land to expand in Phase 2. They all said "Yes". Then I talked more with Dan about his plans and desires for land use there and he said, "If you want to farm the whole thing just let me know." So now I'm listening deeply to my heart of hearts and am already envisioning Phase 3 and 4 to include the rest of the land. And then I broached it with my life partner, Peter Bush, and he said, "I'll help you any way I can." And he has with financial support, labor support with the infrastructure and field prep, and being my cheerleader every day reminding me I'm awesome! Finally, a thank you to Sun Hadley who facilitated my exposure to many, many facets of this life as a grower, as a true human being, and as a harmonious co-creator with nature.
So, thank you Mom and Dad for your unconditional love and support always; thank you Linda for your inspiration and absolute generosity which continues to amaze me; thank you Dan for being a good neighbor and kindred spirit in the plant world; thank you Peter for your profound ability to see the very best in me and, therefore, draw it out daily; and thank you Sun for introducing me to the vast world of conscious co-creation. I will never be the same.