The Tomatoes are Ripening!

Ripe tomatoes in Oregon in July. Now, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! The Romas and the Slicers aren’t far behind. And then there are the tomatillos, peppers, eggplant, melons and basil.

I’m enjoying the first season with this new High Tunnel. I’m getting to see what’s possible and it’s exciting! Looking forward to seeing what I can pull off in the winter, too.

We’ve moved the Friday Farm Stand away from the road this week. It made more sense to get it closer to the parking area so folks don’t have to walk so far. Plus, being next to the gorgeous fig tree and the bodacious pumpkin and squash plants is more delightful then the edge of a bare field next to the busy road. So, don’t despair if you don’t see us right away as you turn into the driveway. We are open Friday from 11 am - 1 pm.

The Farm Stand and the Pre-Orders have been so successful that they are here to stay. Check out the Farm Fresh page on the website to see what else is available this week from the garden. Thank you for supporting local!