Sister Moon Next Phase

Wow! Wow! Wow! I am humbled by the generosity of my family, friends and community. Without this support, I feel the reality of our situation would put me in bed for a month! It’s just now hitting me fully that Peter’s livelihood was completely destroyed in the fire and won’t be back in working order for some time. It causes me to want to keep the farm going as best as I can through the Fall/Winter season and be well positioned for Spring to have the income.

That requires a propagation house, which I lost in the fire.

The high tunnel at the farm is going to become multi-functional this coming season as I create a short term propagation house inside of it. Its the only solution I can think of with our home property in such disarray. I’ve got my warming table for starts already at the farm. Now, I need a small greenhouse-plastic covered space inside the high tunnel to support them further in the colder season.

Then there is water and electricity… the high tunnel still needs both. Enter Brian Gibler from Captain Blueberry, one of our local farmers in Estacada. This beautiful soul has offered to help me design, purchase and implement the irrigation system for the new high tunnel and northwest field. Yep, that’s what I’m talking about. I love my Estacada community! Brian and Rhoda - you are my Angels. Thank you!

I’m finishing up the final harvesting from the high tunnel and field. Tomatoes, figs, jalapenos, eggplant, bell peppers - all will either be canned, frozen or pickled. I’ll keep you posted on what will be available for purchase later in the season.

Major clean up of the planting beds is on the horizon. If you feel like helping, just let me know. Much to do and I’ll be doing it soon BECAUSE WE FINALLY GOT A RENTAL HOUSE CLOSE TO HOME!

Whew! This is a big puzzle piece that will bring a new level of peace to this family. We’ve been living at McMenamins Edgefield in Troutdale with our two cats since September 9th. We’re all ready to have some space to breath, run around and get out from under each other. Thank you Hilary Krane and Kelly Bulkeley for your generous offer of a house that wasn’t yet on the rental market. What a blessing you are to us! We move on Monday, October 5th. I’ll be about 8 minutes away from the farm! Sweet!

So many to thank and we’re trying to keep up with y’all. Big thank you to Harmony Bakery for the donation collection they started on their website. I want to thank all the donors personally and am working on getting your info. If you don’t hear from me, just know I am completely grateful for your contribution to the continuation of Sister Moon Gardens. Bless you!

We shall overcome and the Pheonix will rise from these ashes!