Sister Moon Gardens

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Spring Produce sales for Sister Moon

Like every business during this time, I’m having to get creative and shift with the changes unfolding. Because of the gathering bans, Harmony Bakery is still only providing a very limited to-go menu and only on Saturdays. Most of what they are making don’t need veggies. They did get some of my spinach for their Easter quiches, however. Having said that, unless they open soon, I have a high tunnel full of greens that will need another home.

I’ve been in conversation with the ladies that organize the Estacada Farmer’s Market and they, too, are trying to decide what this season’s market will look like. The choices are very limited but they might include pre-sales from essential vendors (farmers not crafters) with pick up at a central place like Wade Creek, drive by service during the usual market day and time, and/or a weekly advertising focus managed by the market volunteers for vendors to advertise how to access their offerings during the ban time. They’ll know more after this week.

In the meantime, I’m putting together a plan of my own that will have me selling straight from the farm in 2 different ways: pre-sale pick-ups and a farm stand set up at the road in front of the farm at least once a week. I’ll be sending out a questionnaire soon to my class list and my CSA interest list to help me dial in the schedule that would meet the needs the best. If you are interested in being on that e-mail list, sign up on my website at the bottom of the home page or e-mail me directly at to get on my alert list. It will be on a first come, first serve basis until supplies last each week.

Hope to see y’all at the farm this season.