Sister Moon Gardens

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First plantings at Sister Moon Gardens

The new high tunnel changes everything! It changes when I can start planting seeds indoors both as starts or direct plantings, it changes the schedule of succession crop plantings because my season can start so much earlier, and it changes how soon I can start bringing food to Harmony Baked. Very exciting and mentally time consuming as I work out all the details to make all of that flow well.

My first task was to switch from using so much plastic in the keiki hut (propogation house). I built cedar flats to hold the soil blocks I’ve been wanting to make. It completely changes the feel in the greenhouse to smell the wet cedar warming under the potting soil. Check out the pics below.

I planted spinach and other winter hardy greens in our glass greenhouse at home last fall for our personal use. However, now that spring is coming, the spinach has been growing like gang busters! I delivered the first spinach of the season to Harmony Baked last Thursday. Very exciting for both of us. It is quite gorgeous and they were jazzed to receive it. Soon, that spinach will be growing in the high tunnel at the farm.

I rotary plowed the soil in the high tunnel most recently after using the flail mower on the crimson clover cover crop. Me and my BCS walk behind tractor are still getting to know each other and each implement gives me a new chance to see what this thing can do. Soon I’ll be using the power harrow to finish the beds and then its direct seeding time. Soon after that, plant starts I’ve got going in the green house will go in.

And speaking of new plants, my friend Claire Mathes gave me a gift the other day. I got discounted blue berry and evergreen huckleberry plants as well as raspberry, Marion berry and Logan berry canes. I’m putting in the berry field at half the price! Here are pics of me putting in the blueberries last week - 6 different varieties that will take me from early in the season to late, and everything in between. Canes go in on the next sunny day run.

All of this activity is setting the farm up to be a more interesting host for my first gardening class. SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH from NOON-2 PM at $25/person at Sister Moon Gardens. Check the website calendar for more information. If you are on my class mailing list, you will receive a more complete description of the class. Contact me by email or phone to secure your spot. (503)735-5447 or